Pick the Right Curler Based on Your Desired Style

Buying the right curler is trickier than it seems.  Each curler gives you a different style curl, from big loose waves to tight spiral curls, so the size of the curler matters.  How short or long your hair is can also determine what type of curler is

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11 Summer Hair Care Tips

The summer season poses several threats to your beloved hair. From simply adjusting daily habits to dealing with sun and chlorine exposure, we’ve compiled 11 ways you can treat your hair right this summer. Trim Periodically The best way to assure your hair is healthy and strong

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Summer Beauty Mistakes to Avoid

With all the changes summer brings, it becomes harder to transition to different habits. The constant summer heat invites the possibility of slipping up on beauty rituals we have not quite gotten used to yet. To help, we’ve compiled a list of common mistakes you should avoid

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